Travelling With a Toddler
by Ellie Stoneley
Driving down to the airport, the nervous queasy feeling grew and grew. By the time we arrived, I’d quite happily have turned around and sat in traffic for another 4 hours rather than face the security queues and the stress of flying 12 hours with a toddler on my own.
I was prepared, I had the bare minimum in my hand luggage. Only, the bare minimum when you’re flying with a toddler is quite a lot. Here’s what I’d brought:
changing mat
extra vests
extra tights
extra outfits (all in case of catastrophe or flight delay)
small pyjamas
tiny cardigan (because it gets cold on the plane)
book with pictures of baby animals
stuffed giraffe
clean knickers for me
change of outfit for me
I put Hope in her buggy for check in. Joy of joys, the lovely lady on the desk was far less terrifying than her red lipstick and slicked back hair led me to believe. She blocked out the seat on the plane next to me. As the flight was fairly quiet, she also confirmed that the baby was small enough still to have a sky cot. […]