
by Josie Iselin


Knitting gives me a sense of accomplishment, of getting somewhere. If I’ve done nothing else during the day —

except, of course, the loads of laundry, food prep, child pick-up, logistical phone calls,

homework help, birthday present acquisition,  and what-all —

at least I’ve completed a few rows and the scarf gets a little longer before the day is chalked up.


by Josie Iselin

Josie Iselin Decipher


What goes on in their heads? 
What provokes the bouts of screaming, fits, reversions to babytalk, 
sudden outbursts of loud and bizarre noises, and unwarranted crying?
I wish I could split them open like a squash 
and be reassured by lovely smooth flesh, 
not tangled seeds and muck.



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