A Personal Story Celebrating Autism Awareness Month, April

by Nancy Alspaugh-Jackson

Denial is a powerful thing.  But denial does not ultimately serve us well. It may keep the pain of truth away for a period of time, but it only serves to make the truth harder to bear once we face it. The most dangerous aspect of denial is that it keeps us from moving forward on a journey that we must ultimately take. […]

Putting the Children First

by Andrea Lynn

I came to motherhood late, which means I spent many years – most of my life – putting myself first. I’ve always been single, and independent, so I’ve had to take care of myself. But I’ve also been able to indulge myself. To eat what I wanted, when I wanted. To go out. To read. To sleep in. To exercise. To travel. To change my schedule at the drop of a hat. To save money and to spend money. Years and years – okay, decades – of worrying only about myself, my happiness, my comfort, my success. […]

Surrender to the Wind

by Valerie Gillies

We have them, in tightly balled fists. Carefully chosen, each has been kept for a good reason.  Most felt deliciously smooth when acquired—just right.  Now, they cut us like sharp bits of gravel.  Yet, to toss them out is more than we can bear.  Instead we withstand pain, expend energy, and often go through extreme gyrations to hold on to them.  What are they? […]


by Robin Gorman Newman

I need to feel like life holds possibility.

Since becoming a midlife mother, there are days when things feel so predictable, almost stagnant, that I find myself questioning my choice to parent.  Being a stay at home mom who works from home in the suburbs was my choice, but it doesn’t come naturally to me.  I  know there’s a big world out there that doesn’t involve scheduling play dates, bath time, homework, etc., and I crave it. […]

MotheringintheMiddle – first blog post!

Here I am again, in my own space – as much a product of my own imagination as of your needs!

The response to our NURTURE blog (www.midlifemothers.org) has been overwhelming. We’ve been able to secure nationally recognized authors, experts and writers whose work involves and intersects with midlife mothers. MLM’s are women over 40 who chose motherhood (first, repeat, or last-time) through in vitro, natural childbirth, surrogacy, fostering, guardianship, adoption, and blending stepfamilies.  Midlife Mothers (MLMs) R Us! […]

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