Meditations for Mothers

by Rachel Snyder


Once you warm up with baby steps, you’re ready to take your next leap. Take a leap of faith and know you can make it. Decide to leap over tall buildings with a single bound. Close your eyes and open your own business. Take the leap! March yourself into the recovery center and tell them you’re ready to heal. Make your leap! Take a leap into a second marriage and take the kids with you. Leap off the edge of your personal zone of comfort and feel the feelings you’ve been stuffing for years. Tired of small-town living? Leap into something larger. Frustrated by fear in the city? Leap over the freeway and onto a farm. You’re ready for the big stage and you know it, so take your leap. You can’t keep playing small forever. Take your leap! Keep your eyes on the prize. Let your feet touch the skies. Take a hard running start. Now leap!

Meditation for Mothers


No matter what the clock says, the only time is Now. That beautiful smile on your little one’s face is Now, so don’t miss it. The inquisitive eyes, the questions about love and babies, are happening Now, so don’t put them off. Your teenager is asking your advice Now, and for all you know, it may be the first and last time it happens. This moment with this child on this day will never come around again. So revel in the Now – and in every Now that’s bound to follow. Focus your attention on this moment, this book, this child, this stormy night – not on what you’re going to take to the dry cleaners tomorrow. Bring your presence to this scraped knee, to this picture of a pony, to this exquisite human connection right Now – not to a replay of the blowup you had yesterday with the man in accounting. Every time you retreat to the past or the future, you’re certain to miss what is Now.

Mindful Meditations for Mothers

by Rachel Snyder


Every mother has her share. It may be  a string of small sorrows, small hurts that one after another peck at a mother’s heart. It might be one great sorrow that swoops down and takes you in its talons, rising up and enveloping you even as you think you have it tamed. Sorrow goes hand-in-hand with joy, often in equal measure. The mother who feels the rapture of unspeakable joy may also encounter unbearable sorrow. Invite sorrow in with a warm welcome. Give her a place to sit by the fire; she may need to linger a lifetime. Speak with her, cry with her, grieve with her – yet do not push her away. Sorrow is a teacher. At times stern and unrelenting, she will dole out her lessons as you are able to receive them. She will work with you tirelessly. Slowly, as sure as the sun rises, you will make your way to the enduring light at the center of sorrow.

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