All You Need Is Love (In Honor of Gay Pride Month)

by Maggie Lamond Simone

gay prideAll you need is love. That song’s been in my head lately as we enter yet another wedding season, at once the most-loved and most-hated season of the year … depending how you feel about love at the moment. I’ve decided to embrace it this year, because I’ve seen – and continue to see – what love can do.

Twenty-five years ago, at the height of the AIDS crisis, my uncle was succumbing to the virus. We didn’t know he was gay, and we didn’t know he was HIV-positive until he became ill. That was the way in many homes back then; if it was talked about at all, it was in hushed tones, and certainly not in front of the children. […]

Mother’s Day Gift

by Maggie Lamond Simone

mother's day images“Look at you – you’re just like your mother.”

Weren’t those dreaded words at one point in my life?  Didn’t I work all these years to not be like her, to identify her faults and weaknesses and to do everything humanly possible to avoid them?

I read a comic strip once in which a woman was lamenting the fact that she’d turned into her mother.  All the behaviors she hated, she’d adopted.  And I heard once that if a man wants to know what his wife will be like in 30 years, he should look at her mother.  It was meant to be mean.

Why now, then, am I desperately wishing for that one profound gift that eludes me – to be like my mom?  I think it’s because I’m a mother now myself, and I’m beginning to wonder if I could ever hope to be the mother she has been to me. […]

Baby It’s Cold Outside

by Maggie Lamond Simone

This winter, I’ve decided, has been a lot like childbirth.

cold weather

I don’t mean in the classic sense, obviously, because it hasn’t physically caused me to scream obscenities at complete strangers for hours on end (well, not often, anyway) and it hasn’t lasted nine months (yet), but rather in a more metaphysical sense – in the way that people seem to deal with them both. […]

A Valentine’s Tradition

by Maggie Lamond Simone

Gather ’round, kids. Our very favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day, is fast approaching. It’s the one day we are allowed to blatantly display our love for each other, and every year Auntie Maggie takes particular delight in sharing the special story of this most romantic time.  Yes, Auntie Maggie has an issue or two. […]

A Menopausal Mom’s Christmas List

by Maggie Lamond Simone

Image courtesy of

Dear Santa,

It’s that time of year again already, huh? Time sure flies when you’re having… well, menopause, spelling bees, and student council meetings. You’ll have to take my word on all counts, I’m guessing, but trust me. The times — and the moms — they are a’changin’. Heck, I could light up a Christmas tree without even plugging myself in! But that’s not why we’re here, is it? Let’s get down to business. […]

Traditionally, I Never Liked Traditions…

by Maggie Lamond Simone

Dear Reader: Maggie would like you to know that while she wrote this a few years ago, and she is now 50, the situation is still the exact same…and her mother still cooks the turkey.

I’m not what you’d call Tradition Girl.

In fact, I don’t have very many holiday habits that would even be considered “traditions,” and I think it’s partly because I married and had kids late.  There were many years in there spent with roommates, friends, dates, and by myself, and I’m probably single-handedly responsible for misplacing every tradition my parents might have once had. […]

Some Traditions Should Be Changed

by Maggie Lamond Simone

The holidays are upon us once again, the season of family, of gatherings, of traditions. The season, in most people’s lives, of hope.

Our tradition at Thanksgiving had been for many years to head to a lodge in the country with my mother’s family; aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews would converge and catch up and try to store up enough memories to last for the coming year. One year, however, a favorite aunt was no longer there, and the tradition gradually died with her. It simply wasn’t the same without her, and so things changed. […]

Menopause: Not Just For Moms Anymore!

by Maggie Lamond Simone

My son was upset the other night because he realized he’d only practiced piano a couple times throughout the week and his lesson was the next day. He was very hard on himself, and I said, “I’m sorry, honey. You’re only nine; mommy needs to remind you more often. That’s part of my job.” […]

Living Longer, ‘Midlife Crisis’ Can Become ‘Midlife Opportunity’

by Maggie Lamond Simone

“What do you want to do with your life?” It’s a question I ask my college students this time of year to help them define their goals, and I’m beginning to realize the silliness of the question. It’s almost like asking people casually at the grocery store what they did over summer break — expecting them to sum up 10 weeks of their lives in a sentence. Not an easy task. […]

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