The words “Mommy Blogger” used to make me think of breastfeeding and pureed fruits.

And previously, when I heard the term Mommy Blogger, I cringed and quickly looked away. I certainly wasn’t one of those bloggers.

I don’t share recipes (Shoot, did that yesterday), hold giveaways (um, does my birthday count?), chronicle my children’s antics (again, yesterday), document drivel (I don’t think you can really call singing Journey in the car with your closest friends drivel), talk about fashion (I had to tell you guys about the pink pants!), or capture precious day-to-day moments (well, only about a million like this one).

I still wasn’t certain I qualified. After all, I write outside of my blog, and people don’t call me a Mommy Writer. Plus, the words Mommy Blogger make me feel so limited and boxed in.

To answer my burning question, I went directly to where I find answers to all important questions, Google.

Just Who Are Mommy Bloggers Anyway?

According to Scarborough Research, Mommy Bloggers are women who have at least one child in their household and who have read or contributed to a blog in the last thirty days. Well, that’s pretty broad, yes?

The average Mommy Blogger is thirty-seven years old and has kids between the ages of 2 and 11. Mommy Bloggers are 38% more likely than nonbloggers to volunteer and 76% more likely to vote in Presidential elections.

In addition, there happens to be over 3.9 million Mommy Bloggers in the United States alone. The Mommy Blogger circle of influence continues to grow. In fact, Mommy Bloggers have even been labeled an influential demographic both by politicians and marketers.

Let’s just get to the bottom line, shall we?
Would I rather people call me a writer? Yes.

Am I ashamed when someone tosses the Mommy Blogger label my way? What? Ashamed of being educated, voting, loving my community, volunteering, using my voice to influence others, and being a mother who happens to talk about these two?

No way.

Take that world.

This post is missing a theme song. Insert a popping Prince ditty.

Amy Sullivan is a: Word lover. Book devourer. Music addict. Amy is a Northern girl who found herself living in the South. She drinks sweet tea, turns her nose up at okra, and attempts to tell her daughters “yella” isn’t a color. She can be found at http://