The Advantages in Being An Only Child of an Older Mother (Part I)

by Serena Kirby

Whether as a result of increased fatigue or decreased fertility, the reality is that many later in life mums have only one child.

“Spoilt Brat”, “Little Emperor” or simply “The Boss”, these are just some of the phrases often attached to the only child. Add to that the belief that loneliness goes hand-in-hand with the single-child and it’s no wonder some older mothers feel guilt and regret for the sibling-less life of their one and only. […]

The Chicken Back Syndrome

by Ann Sheybani

chicken-backWhen did we women decide that everyone else should come first? Who proclaimed it our job to guarantee the pleasure of others and settle for whatever crumbs fall off their plates?

I’ve come to call this compulsion the Chicken Back Syndrome: preparing a chicken dinner, encouraging our husbands and children to take the best pieces—the breast, thighs and legs—and insisting that we actually like the chicken back best. Somehow, without question, everyone believes we’re just crazy enough to prefer bones and gristle. After awhile, we even convince ourselves that those tiny scraps of meat buried between the ribs are worth the effort. […]

I Do Not Own My Own Life Anymore (Commentary by Mr. Mom)

by Marc Parsont

driving dad crazyI do not own my life anymore.  I drive to soccer.  I drive to karate. I drive to school.  I drive to the doctor’s office—frequently.  I drive to fix the cars that drive the kids to soccer, karate, ballet and yoga.

I drive to the grocery store.  I drive to the grocery store.  I drive to the grocery store again.

I am being driven insane. […]

Yes, You Can

by Sophie Walker

To begin this article with a confession: when it comes to your child, I don’t know what I’m talking about.

Because I have written a book about my child, who has Asperger’s Syndrome, I am often asked to suggest advice to parents in similar situations. And I’m always really happy to do so because I know from experience how hard it can be to find the right kind of support. […]

If This Is October, Then It Must Be…

by Maggie Lamond Simone

Toilet1Well, kids, I’m here to report that we’re lifting the lid on “Toilet Repair Month.” I know, I know, I’m sort of down in the dumps about it too; just when you think you could overflow with excitement about summer, there it goes, swirling away.  May it rust – er, rest – in peace.

Yep, October received that very special designation by – come on, now, be creative here – yes! Manufacturers of toilet parts! They’ve finally conceded what I’ve always recognized as an epidemic problem, i.e. the reckless abandon with which people flush other people’s toilets during the Halloween season. It was just a matter of time, really. […]

New Midlife Mothers Needed

by John Simmons

Julia, Marina, Sarah reunion Julia, Marina, Sarah reunion

Next to my wife, I have a favorite midlife mother. We don’t share a language, religion, political views or even a continent. The things we have in common are our daughters, who were once sisters-of-circumstance at the Partizansk Children’s Home. Though we have only spoken on a couple of occasions, Natalia and I consider each other to be true friends; friends who can relate to a long and rocky road that we would travel again in a heartbeat. […]

If Men Watched Children Like Auto Mechanics

by Marc Parsont

Auto MechanicMen are like auto mechanics.

We haven’t been primary childcare givers for more than just gender and birthing ability.  We do things, look at things differently.  Groups supporting men being primary caregivers exist to ease the mind of women/mothers and to hide how men actually relate to one another. […]

Parenting After Weiner-gate: Talking to Your Kids About Lying

by Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D., and Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D.

Anthony WeinerAnthony Weiner is no longer front-page news now that he has again been disgraced by his behavior. As a parent what can you make from Weinergate, that perfect storm mix of politics, power, sexting and lying?

The media frenzy over the ex-Congressman’s behavior provides a clear teachable moment for our teens. Given the dramatic effects of the inappropriate messages and photos he sent and the devastating results of his untruthful words, we can talk to our kids about the serious consequences of making bad decisions. […]

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