There I Go Thinking

by Rashidah Shakir-Blackshere

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Through the voice of Hamlet, William Shakespeare teaches us that life, with its inevitable joys and sorrows, functions only according to how we imagine it.  Call me weird, but it is Hamlet who is helping me sift through the perplexing array of emotions that accompany motherhood after 40. […]

“Plenty of Time”

by Nancy Alspaugh-Jackson

PLENTY OF TIME… I always said, plenty of time to have children one day. That was my mantra from my late teens to late thirties, from single girl to married woman, divorced woman back to single again. When I actually met and married a man who wanted to start a family at the same time I did, “Plenty of time” turned into “Right now!” […]

Preparing for the Inevitable Question

by Cheli English-Figaro

Up until that moment, it had been a great day. At 4:45 a.m. my feet hit the floor and by 6:45 a.m. I had already logged two very productive hours on my work-at-home job before waking my children. Working before dawn was particularly critical that day because while school was in session for my two older children, preschool was closed. Caroline, who had just turned five, would be underfoot all day so it was unlikely that I would be able to squeeze in any additional work. So, with my most time-sensitive assignments completed, I put on my “full-time mommy hat” and started on my way. […]

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