I Will Honor Her (In Honor of My Daughter’s Birth Mother)

by Jane D. Samuel

“Can you imagine that someone just threw her away?”

Seven years later, these words are still as sharp and wrong as the day they were innocently uttered. Carrying our youngest daughter into church that day, I did not turn around to see who said them. It did not matter.

Though I have been known to set a few folks straight about China’s one-child policy and its subsequent boom in international adoption, this time I chose to let it pass. It was Easter Vigil and our daughter’s day – she was being marked by baptism as Christ’s own forever. And she was ours forever. […]

Kids on Summer Vacation: A Working Parent’s Dilemma

by Phyllis Goldberg Ph.D. and Rosemary Lichtman Ph.D.

For families, June is a busy time with graduation parties, little league championships and music recitals. And we all know that right around the corner is summer vacation – lazy days for kids but often stressful for working parents. So if you haven’t nailed down your plans yet, here are some ideas that can help with your work/life balance:

Stay flexible. To minimize your anxiety and maximize time with your kids, try to negotiate a flexible work schedule. Even if you only take the odd morning off or leave early once in a while, find someone to cover for you. Downtime to rejuvenate is important for you and for the wellbeing of your family. […]


by Andrea Lynn

My daughter has become fascinated by health – good and bad – since she turned 4. Four is a year for discussions about death and sex, I’ve been warned by friends. It’s been true, so far, but far more interesting than either is health – what is good for us, what is bad for us. Her fascination with exercise, healthy eating and the horrors of smoking, among other things, is fodder for daily discussion. And while I’m all for healthy discussion about nearly anything, the talk of health hits me just as I’m occasionally starting to feel old. Or not old, exactly, but a little tired. […]

Autism Speaks (In Honor of Autism Awareness Month)

by Peg O'Neill, M.D.

April is Autism Awareness Month.  For years, the Autism Society has been setting aside this month to increase public education and awareness regarding issues surrounding autism, including the importance of early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, in order to better understand this puzzling, increasingly prevalent condition which presents as a spectrum of social, communication and behavioral differences. […]

Second Spring (Menopause)

by Dawn Aarons, BA, D.A.C.

Menopause is called a “Second Spring” in Chinese Medicine. This is distinct from the “summer heat wave” or “winter storm” that some women describe.

A woman has entered menopause when one year has passed from her last menstrual period. The transitional phase leading up to that time is called perimenopause, and it can last for many years beginning anywhere from a woman’s late 30’s to her 50’s. […]

How to Turn Your Commitment for Change Into Action

by Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D., and Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D

In the wake of floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, we’re struck by the realization that changes in Mother Earth present in many ways.  At times, they’re gradual, other times sudden and violent. They can come from the forces of nature or the actions of human beings. They can be unexpected and out of our control or planned and anticipated. In either case, the havoc they wreak can effect millions.  The effects of the natural disasters this year alone have impacted the world economy and may continue to do so for months to come. […]

Acupuncture with IVF: Can it Help?

by Drew Nesbitt, TCMP

In a study published in the journal of Fertility and Sterility in 2002, it was discovered that acupuncture, when performed before and after an IVF transfer, increased the rates of conception. Since that time, more and more studies have been done on the subject with encouraging results. Although the initial results in this 2002 study have been over-exaggerated by the media, subsequent studies have still maintained that acupuncture is indeed helpful. […]

Mindful Meditations for Mothers

by Rachel Snyder


Trust yourself. Listen to your intuition, your sixth sense, your voice within, the angels that whisper to you during the night. Whatever you call it, know that you are the source of your greatest wisdom. Trust that your body will know when to birth this baby. Trust that your breasts know how to give your child his first nourishment. Trust that you are cared for by people who hold your best interests at heart. Trust that there is something larger out there and trust yourself to know what that is for you. Trust that you have maternal instincts, no matter who tells you otherwise. Now trust yourself to rely on those instincts. Trust that your daughter will not enter first grade in diapers. (If she must, trust that she will be surrounded by those who will accept her for who she is.) Trust that you are only given that which you can handle. Now trust yourself to handle it in the very best way you can.

Acupuncture for Infertility: Find Out Why It Works!

by Drew Nesbitt, BA, TCMP

Infertility Statistics

For many adults, starting a family should be the most exciting and fulfilling time in their lives. However, for around 25% of the population, conception can end up being a frustrating and stressful process which can ultimately lead to emotional and financial strain.

For couples to be considered infertile, they must try to conceive for at least one year without success. Despite the fact that our bodies were designed to create, there are many complications that can occur during the process of conception. […]

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